Thursday 23 August 2007

Bossy Joshy

Josh often asks for music to be put on, but his taste is becoming more defined, and along with that comes bossiness! So, if we are listening to one track which he doesnt like we need to go to - citi (another!) or if he likes it and needs it again, the instruction is - more!
He is saying more and more words - seems to me that most of them are English, although I always speak to him in English... so maybe that is why! He still hasnt really got the idea of stringing a few words together to make a sentence! But anyway...
Ok, we just have to have a potty update.. we are nearly there - well, when he is up he doesnt have a nappy on and he is sorting himself out - even getting toilet paper and washing hands! (well, not always washing hands, but this morning he did and then he decided he needed to do mute (Mouth) as well! Yes, he is getting the hang of many things.
There were some more things I wanted to post.. but if you dont write them down when you think of them, you forget... So will try and be back soon. There are a few clips to download too - so I will try and get them up on dropshots....


Evie said...

I just discovered this and I'm so glad. Was looking through all of my photos to sort some sort of presentation out and looked at Josh's early days when I came to visit. Can't believe how grown up he is now!

Anonymous said...

Just discovered Josh's blog...great. I look forward to tracking his progress. He is a very interesting little fellow. Hope you get the video clips on soon.

Love to you all!